Layer Legend Basics

One of the main aspects of your map featured prominently is the Layer Legend. This is located on the left side of your map.

See below for a quick example of what to expect in your Layer Legend.

layer legend example
  1. The Import Layers tool allows you to import over a thousand unique layers to your map. Learn more about the Import Layers tool.
  2. Filter Layers will allow you to filter your default and imported layers from the Layer Legend list. For example, typing in Contour will only show layers with the word Contour in it.
  3. filter layer list example
  4. The Layer Legend Filters button allows you to filter your layers with a few different options. This is helpful when you have imported a long list of unique layers, but you only want to see ones that have data for an area you are researching for example.
  5. The first filter option is for Extent. This will filter your Legend to show only layers at the zoomed in part of the map you are in. Any layers not intersecting your current view will be temporarily hidden.

    Layer Legend Filters example

    The second filter option is for Scale. Using this option filters your Legend to hide any layers that are inactive. Inactive layers will be shown in red by default, filtering them with Scale removes them from your view temporarily.

    Layer Legend Filters example

    The third filter option is for Visible. This filters your Legend to show exactly what you have enabled in the map, while also temporarily clearing all disabled layers from view.

    Layer Legend Filters example

    The last filter option is for Features. By filtering your Legend for Features, you hide layers that have no features at the location you are zoomed to.

    Layer Legend Filters example
  6. Viewing Active/Inactive parcels in the map. When you are zoomed into an area, you can tell which parcels are inactive when they are labeled red in your Layer Legend.
  7. active vs inactive parcels example
  8. Enabling/disabling layers can be done by checking or unchecking the box next to an imported layer.
  9. enabling layers example
  10. 6. The Selectability of a layer can be enabled or disabled by clicking on the icon to the right of the enable/disable box.
  11. selectability example